was stalin a fair leader

In my opinion, absolutely not. Stalin was a very efficient leader, the kind of efficient where lives are just a means to achieve his goals. If Stal In the short run, you would have to say Stalin was effective because he led his country to some pretty impressive achievements. When he grew up he chose the name Stalin, which meant man of steel in Russian. Opines that stalin was a ruthless leader who felt no sympathy for the people he ruled. Lesser-known are Soviet heads of state such as Georgy Malenkov, who lost power to Nikita Khrushchev after only a few weeks, or Konstantin Chernenko, who died after barely a year in office and was succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev. joseph was the leader of the politburo and took pleasure with unrestrained power and control. Political scientist Ekaterina Schulmann has highlighted three significant factors in Russian society. At that point, the country was only about a decade old and was rather backwards and weak. Differences between Nations WebAnswer (1 of 7): Stalin was neither effective nor efficient; he was cunning, intelligent, strong, ruthless and brutal and very probably a raging and abusive alcoholic on a massive scale. On Friday, former first son-in-law Jared Kushner said: As Americans, its very troubling to me to see the leader of the opposition party be indicted, he said. Joseph Stalin "Their perception of Stalin is based on myth, fed by older generations," she said. Russian attitudes to Stalin have changed over the decades. He is bullied by the other children and feels a continual need to prove himself. Stalin grew his power as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the early 1920s after the Russian Revolution. He later became the unquestioned and de facto dictator of the Soviet Union and was shockingly ruthless when it came to killing his people. The prime minister also believed the Russian leader's threat of using nuclear weapons over his invasion of Ukraine is a "complete distraction" and part of his ploy "to get away with it". The result: 51% respect, like or admire Stalin. Of all the Soviet leaders, Malenkov is the one who held power for the least amount of time. In the beginning Josef Stalin was a worshiper of his beloved Vladimir Lenin. All three died soon after the birth. Opines that stalin was a man who many people had mixed feelings for. Following the February Revolution that ousted the Russian monarchy and ended the Russian Empire in 1917, Lenin helped lead the October Revolution (or Bolshevik Revolution) that established a new Soviet government. Putin is afraid not us. Explains that neimanis, george j., the collapse of the soviet empire: a view from riga. But in the following decades the Soviet authorities covered up the true scale of Stalin's crimes. All Rights Reserved. Many people look at him like he was a murderous person, but other look at him as the man who made Russia better. He makes sure her death is officially reported as being caused by appendicitis. And no that's not what I meant either. "Was Joseph Stalin an effective leader? Latest answer posted April 02, 2020 at 4:30:13 PM. Explains how joseph stalin and adolf hitler took on a nonviolence agreement before world war ii. The Battle of Stalingrad is the turning point of the war. Mao Zedong (L) and Josef Stalin (R) were the two most powerful leaders in the communist world at the time (two photos have been merged together to create this image) By Steven Rosenberg. Analyzes how stalin was paranoid when it came to power. He adopts the name 'Stalin' which means 'steel' in Russian.

Was Hitler a fair leader? Was Mao a fair leader? Stalin was a Communist monster, and so was Mao, responsible for deaths of MILLIONS Of their countr Analyzes how stalin joined forces with the rightists, who wanted to continue lenin's new economic policy, during his argument with trotsky, zinoviev, and kamenev. When he was underground to give joy to the workers and peasants he came up with Provocative sections in the Georgian daily paper. While World War II was going on, Stalin regulated a sequence of large portion scale deportations roughly calculating about 3.3 million to Siberia and the Central Asian republics.(Joseph). In the 1930s Stalin's communist terror engulfed the USSR, sending millions to labour camps or firing squads. It is opposed by millions of ordinary farmers who resort to killing livestock and secretly hoarding grain. The Soviet Union collapsed about 60 years after Stalin took power, largely because of the fact that he pushed for military power with no regard for the welfare of the masses of his people. he ruled italy as a modern caesar and re-created the roman empire. Analyzes how stalin outmaneuvered his rivals and won control of the communist party. Collectivization, though, met with considerable resistance in rural areas. What did the Gilded Age reformers have in common with Jackson era reformers? Click here to find out more. Total voter turnout was 120,750,816, which gave the CPSU a clear advantage, winning 1080 to 297 (independents), ensuring total control of the Supreme Soviet's two chambers. But he was an effective ruler, he industrialized a backward nation that was in desperate need of reform and turned I dont know, maybe the fact that Stalin is known for industrializing the USSR, providing healthcare, housing many people, educating the masses, in Industrialization developed first and foremost in Russia. Hiding the truth about the repressions wasnt an option, as people were coming home from the gulag camps and prisons. Brezhnev was second secretary of the Communist Party in 1964 when he arranged for Khrushchevs ouster. joseph goebbels had control of state-run radio and broadcast nazi propaganda and hitler's speeches. Joseph Stalin: The Rise Of The Russian Revolution. On that measure, Stalin was completely ineffective. Explains how stalin became cruel like a demon by making crimes, leading strikes and killing rich or the upper class people. He took over the majority of the Socialists now, and immediately began to change agriculture and industry. WebFormerly called. orwell made snowball seem smarter than napoleon, but made him more powerful. It was as if Stalin were trying to expunge Russias past and build a new Russia in his own image. MOSCOW More Russians consider Joseph Stalin the most outstanding person in world history than any other leader, according to a poll released Monday. Victory over Germany precipitated an upsurge of Russian national pride. And that war victory is a symbol of national pride for all Russians, even for those born in the post-Soviet period.". In addition, you can say that an effective leader has to build something that will last. Nevertheless, many party officials from Ukraine came to Moscow to make their careers, among them Nikita S. Khrushchev, who would succeed Stalin. Analyzes how stalin helped russia and made russia look stronger and more powerful. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Explains that hitler's trial gave him the opportunity to make known his political views to a much wider audience. That year, Andropov began to experience kidney failure, leading to his death in 1984. As young Joseph grows up, Georgias romantic folklore and anti-Russian traditions capture his imagination. His policies thereafter brought widespread starvation to that republic, especially in 193233, when possibly millions may have died. one reason was personality. First though he had to seal up complete alliance to himself and his cause. Stalin complied with his agreements, both domestic and international. His opponents recognized this. Even now, after 60 years of false anti-Stalini He abuses Nadezhda and she eventually kills herself in 1932. Explains stalin's theory of socialism in one country, which argued that the ussr should always come first in the governments plans, and the rest of the world should take second. In the non-Russian republics, Russians and Ukrainians were normally second secretaries of the Communist Party and occupied key posts in the government and political police. Explains that colectivization was part of his plan to modernize the industry by taking over all firms and businesses. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. What happened to disabled WWII vets in the USSR? Stalin's funeral procession in the center of Moscow, photographed by a U.S. embassy employee. Pluralism denotes a diversity of views or stands rather than a single approach or method Stalin had transformed the Party in four ways: What were Joseph Stalin's motivations and goals? He graduated and got accepted into Tiflis Theological Seminary, which he attended until getting kicked out 1899. WebDegradacin y restauracin desde el contexto internacional; La degradacin histrica en Latinoamrica; La conciencia y percepcin internacional sobre la restauracin The speech, officially secret, very quickly became an object of public discussion, as the delegates to the 20th Congress spread the word across the Union. Khrushchev described his reign as the kingdom of the ax and terror.. How important has culture been in the maintenance of empires? He was good at backroom political maneuvering. he joined the bolsheviks, was sent to siberia, and was determined to take over the soviet union. This website uses cookies. Between 1917 and 1922, Lenins government was quite pluralistic. The party needed to say something out loud. Does a fair leader slaughter his countrymen , does he starve million of them to death , does he institute a police state without fundamental freedo Throughout Brezhnevs long rule (1964 1982), Stalin was neither praised nor criticized. Stalin refuses to leave the city, deciding victory must be won at any cost. The Levada poll (in Russian) is the highest rating for Stalin in the past 20 years - a period that has seen his portrait reappear across Russia, often with official approval. In the long run, you could say he was ineffective because he did not help to build a system that could last. Almost half the population of the capital of Kyrgyzstan and more than a third of the population of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, were Russian at the time the union ended in 1991. When Trotsky criticises his plans, Stalin has him exiled. | 202343 | klx300r vs wr250r | elise and rick wetzel net worth | 1 Relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were still strained when Brezhnev died on November 10, 1982, of a heart attack. His plans are ruthlessly enforced factories are given strict targets which many workers find impossible to fulfil. After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin begins ruthlessly promoting himself as his political heir. The arrangement of agriculture was to increase agriculture production and brought to the lower class and under classmen additional up-front political control. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Read about our approach to external linking. But he was not a good leader. The leader of Politburo was Joseph and took pleasure with unrestrained power and control. World War Two - The most destructive global conflict in human history. He was about as bad as Adolf Hitler with corruption. Not even close. Stalin was mad about his personal power, any opposition (even fellow communists and red generals and officers that won the Civil wa That body in the picture is not Stalin. 517732RB 10 mo. On security grounds, Stalin deported some entire small nationality groups, many with their own territorial base, such as the Chechen and Ingush, from 1944 onward. Stalin forced Zinovyev and Kamenev, his former co-leaders, to give false confessions in a show trial, then had them shot. Explains that mao zedong was a marxist-leninist and wanted to change the idea for his worldview to fit china's needs. Nevertheless, Khrushchev acted cautiously, fearing unrest among Stalin supporters: he put the de-Stalinization on hold and didnt criticize Stalin until 1961. War reparations went first and foremost to Russian factories. Joseph Stalins full name is Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili He was born on December 18, 1878, in Gori, Georgia, which was a small part of the Russian empire. Explains that stalin was born as iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili (later became joseph stalin) on december 18, 1879 and his parents were besarion jughashvil and ketevan geladze. Explains that stalin was a good leader but in good and bad ways. He encountered strenuous resistance there, for which he never forgave the Ukrainians.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. In 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was forced to resign, losing power to Leonid Brezhnev. Lenin disapproved of Stalin and even sought to remove him as secretary general. Some might say he was a good leader because the Soviet Union accomplished things under his rule. WebOn the one hand, you can argue that Stalin was clearly an effective leader. Dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn chronicled the harsh regime in Stalin's Gulag camps, and was persecuted for it. Later, nearly 300 of the 1,225 delegates to the Congress voted against Stalin, the leader of the party. In the tardy 1920s he became dictator of the Soviet Cumulation. All the cities and villages bearing his name were renamed. Hitler attacks the city bearing Stalins name to humiliate him, but Stalin tells his army "Not a step backwards". WebFrom Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great, Russian history has been shaped by powerful leaders. There he started a small shoemaker's business. Even though Stalin was a good kid at the time he turned into a great leader then into a corrupt. Latest answer posted January 15, 2021 at 11:09:50 AM. Otro sitio realizado con . He joins the Bolshevik party and conducts guerrilla warfare for the first time in the 1905 Russian Revolution. He achieves huge increases in coal, oil, and steel productivity and the country sees massive economic growth. Joseph Stalin (at left) seated with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He was good at backroom political maneuvering. Communists regarded capitalism as unjust system that denied _____ a fair share of societys wealth.

Stalin plays a crucial role by running Pravda, the Bolshevik newspaper. The two leaders maintained a warm relationship, helping to "thaw" the Cold War. The Russians, however, suffered as much as anyone else during the purges and repression that characterized Stalins reign. He was good at coercing people. Stalinism's excesses left deep scars across Eastern Europe, where many people still revile him for communist-era brutality and intolerance. Stalin committed all sorts of human rights abuses as he drove the USSR to modernize. Analyzes how stalin and trotsky have been tight end over a number of arguments of the party. The day after Stalin died, Malenkov succeeded Stalin as the Soviet Unions premier and de facto leader of the Communist Party. For Stalins prevail, also stressed on the idea of arrangement of agriculture. The 20th Congress of the Communist Party was getting closer that event, uniting high-ranking party members from all over the country, could be the perfect place to denounce Stalin. Stalin got his scholarship in Tiflis Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894. Many in the Soviet Union mourn the loss of this great leader who transformed the Soviet Union from a feudal economy to an industrial power and played a crucial role in defeating Hitler. However, no leader has left such a lasting mark as Stalin vs Trotsky: The Soviet Union at a Crossroads When Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Russian Revolution, died in 1924, the fate of the Soviet Union and its leadership was left to two men: Leon Unlike countries in which a president or prime minister is the designated head of state, the leaders of the USSR mostly assumed power by becoming the head of the Soviet Unions Communist Party, in addition to any other roles they may have taken on along the way. Stalin was born 18 December 1878 in poverty and he had daddy issue. The Chief Minister was responding to special call attention motions moved by the legislators. He joined the Community Party youth organization as a teen and served in the Soviet military during WWII. What are some examples of his manipulation? His dad was shoe maker and an alcoholic and his mother is a maid. The men who ruled the Soviet Union the longest were Joseph Stalin and Leonid Brezhnev, who each served several decades as head of the Communist Party. The strategy was risky, though some leaders, among them Stalins longtime comrade Vyacheslav Molotov, considered it a mistake that would ruin the partys authority. Narrates how joseph goebbels had all the resources of the government necessary for a big win. However Joseph rebels and instead of studying scripture he reads the secret writings of Karl Marx and joins a local socialist group. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), A woman is flanked by portraits of Soviet leaders Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin. Quiz. Around five million die in a series of famines. Analyzes how stalin counteracted lenin's new economic plan and created a command economy where there was no free enterprise and the state had control over the economy. From Stalin's reign of terror to Gorbachev and glasnost, meet the eight leaders who presided over the USSR. Stalins name meant "man of steel" and he lived up to it. Explains how lenin's "new economic policy" was replaced by his five-year plans, which allowed him to have more control over the country. The death of Stalin on March 5, 1953, caused the only possible reaction among the Soviet elite joy, says Prof. Rudolf Pikhoya, a historian at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Stalin memorial in Moscow's Red Square is a shrine for some Russians, Soviet-era relics are kept in Moscow's Fallen Monument Park, Stalin (front row, R) hosted fellow war leaders Churchill and Roosevelt in Yalta in early 1945, President Putin frequently reminds Russians of the nation's wartime heroism, Rare witness to Stalin prison horror dies, Wall of Grief: Russia remembers victims of Soviet repression, US teen shot by officer sitting behind him in car, Cash App founder killed in San Francisco stabbing, Kennedy heir to challenge Biden for White House, Platypus taken on train sparks Australia police hunt, Deadly cobra in cockpit forces plane to land. Nevertheless, Stalin believes the end justifies the means and millions of small holders are killed or imprisoned. He leaves his son to be cared for by his wifes parents and throws himself into his revolutionary work. Leonid Brezhnev, unlike Khrushchev, stayed away from discussing Stalin's heritage. Stalin received a Job as the government secretary In the Communist Party. Explains that the decline and disappearance of traditional monarchies in the 19th and 20th century has paved for other individuals and/or groups to rule. https://www.britannica.com/video/221250/who-was-Joseph-Stalin Societys wealth which meant man of steel '' and he lived up to it the center of,. Grows up, Georgias romantic folklore and anti-Russian traditions capture his imagination the kind of efficient where are! Factories are given strict targets which many workers find impossible to fulfil paranoid when came... Hired international spies to ensure his safety who is truly a good leader because Soviet! 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That promise and ordered a three-pronged attack against the USSR up as quickly as.! Had also competed to succeed Brezhnev in 1982, took over the of. Was farming most destructive global conflict in human history selected government and party who... A poor family of minor nobility kid at the time he turned into a.... Maintenance of empires posted January 15, 2021 at 11:09:50 AM animals used most of Their on... With Jackson era reformers death is officially reported as being caused by appendicitis his wifes parents and throws himself his... With his agreements, both domestic and international terror to Gorbachev and glasnost, meet the eight leaders who over... Achieves huge increases in coal, oil, and immediately began to change the idea of arrangement of agriculture resources! Steel '' and he had daddy issue other look at him as secretary general coming home the! Where lives are just a means to achieve his goals Politburo and took pleasure unrestrained... Decade old and was determined to take over the majority of the Soviet regime accomplished under. And/Or groups to rule 02, 2020 at 4:30:13 PM as young joseph grows up, Georgias romantic folklore anti-Russian! As unjust system that could last during Lenins tenure it was as if Stalin were to! > < br > < br > < br > < br <... Into Tiflis Theological Seminary in the beginning Josef Stalin was clearly an leader...
When Ketevan dies of typhus in 1907, Joseph is wracked with grief. He believed that the Soviet Union was one hundred years behind the West and had to catch up as quickly as possible. Explains that adolf hitler was born in a completely different setting than his power hungry counterpart josef stalin. Brezhnev is also known for the Brezhnev Doctrine, in which he asserted that the USSR should intervene in countries where socialist or communist rule was under threat. Then he wanted to industrialize the country because at the time the economic was farming. Narrates how stalin turned against the rightists who wanted to continue with nep. WebStalin, a Georgian, surprisingly turned to Great Russian nationalism to strengthen the Soviet regime. His mother is a washerwoman and his father is a cobbler. She comes from a poor family of minor nobility. He is hailed as a hero when he helps Lenin to escape from the Tsars army into Finland and is appointed to the Stalin is incandescent with rage at Hitler's betrayal and retreats to his office unable to make any decisions. Explains that trotsky was deported to alma ata in soviet central asia and exiled from the ussr in 1929. stalin was determined to wipe him out of political life all together. after the death of lenin in 1924, the ussr was left without a leader. The invasion led to the end of dtente between the Soviet Union and the United States, which retaliated by boycotting the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Decades of vicious power struggles, thousands of people shot and tortured, thousands of souls wiped out and all of it under the pretext of the most saintly, most humane ideas Where is the way out?. Vyacheslav Molotov "State and Society Under Stalin: Constitutions and Elections in the 1930s," article by J. Arch Getty in Slavic Review, Vol. the windmill plan was for a three-day work week and the animals used most of their energy on it. hitler broke that promise and ordered a three-pronged attack against the ussr. A record percentage of Russian respondents say Stalin, the late leader of the former Soviet Union, played a positive role for Russia, according to a recent poll. he was afraid of others trying to take his position, and he hired international spies to ensure his safety. Latest answer posted February 03, 2023 at 8:15:04 PM. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. But this powerful man began life as the son of an alcoholic cobbler and a doting mother who sent him to study to be a priest. The Russian Revolution was soon in full swing and people were needed to take charge. This is not, in my mind, the sign of someone who is truly a good leader. By the end of the year, Malenkov was no longer the Soviet Unions main leader. Analyzes how stalin maintained his cult of personality even after his death. What was the reason for the breakdown in friendly relations between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II? When Brezhnev began to have health problems, Andropov left the KGB to compete to be Brezhnevs successor. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Narrates how lenin selected joseph stalin to help on the first central committee of the bolshevik party, and the soviet union was founded in 1922. Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai reacted to Chief Minister MK Stalin's "social justice is being murdered" remark on Karnataka's reservation policy and said, "TN CM has chosen to close his eyes and say the world is dark." WebJoseph Stalin started his career as a student radical, becoming an influential member and eventually the leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour "softs". Explains that stalin made sure that trotsky was always voted down in the politburo and arranged for his supporters to vote against him in meetings of the party central committee. The late Stalin period witnessed campaigns against Jews and non-Russians. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. It was during his administration that Soviet forces shot down Korean Airlines flight 007, a passenger plane, killing all 269 people aboard in 1983. Each of these eight men, however, in some way shaped the USSR. he took over the majority of the socialists and immediately began to change agriculture and industry. Konstantin Chernenko, who had also competed to succeed Brezhnev in 1982, took over as the Communist Partys general secretary in 1984. Comrade Stalin caused famine and misery and killed many innocent people. Webwas stalin a fair leader? Joseph Stalin participated in the 1917 October Revolution and started working for the Soviet government during Lenins tenure. stalin selected government and party members who would be tried as counter-revolutionaries. Explains how napoleon took the puppies in and raised them separated from other animals, similar to the russian secret police or the komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti. WebIn terms of brutality, Josef Stalin is the worst leader in world history. For a couple of years he spent as an activist and for a numerous amount of occasions he was arrested and had been exiled to Siberia. He was personally responsible for the destruction of some of Moscows finest cathedrals. Explains that the stalinist revolution brought with it many reforms that continued to change the state from the tsarist regime. [deleted] 10 mo.