This is bizarre and very unsettling, and so many who do see it (most are blind to it) try to find an explanation. The leaves are dappled with black and brown spots.

I had so much fruit I had to knock on doors to give it all away (4 yrs ago). Working to wake em up. Thats been going on for a long, long time, [but] not anymore, Murray says. Me too, we just went for a ride over the mountain to Newport through Jay, and we could not believe the dead and dying trees with fungus from green and yellow on mostly maples and pines to black fungus on birch.

Researchers have demonstrated in a field study that a rapid collapse in the hydraulic system is . went for a walk on a nature trail this weekend. Tree's can be replanted..yesbut we will never see their peak. Sounds like your from Vermont. That amazing miracle is taken from us. KL. Dall sheep in the Yukon, for example, are in decline and a subject of one of NASAs studies.

Trees, bugs, birds and animals have been dying in record numbers. turkey screaming for no reason. Your EDC and GBshouldbe fully packed at all times.

In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad' Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop"chemtrail .

And the vast majority, I suspect, don't give a rat's ass about it even if the full impact of the truth were to becomeobvious. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND. the animals, insects. It makes me so sad that this is happening.

split open. Maybe it will never come back as coniferous., Typically, when black spruce dies, it is replaced with new black spruce. I lost roses bushes that I had for years and also a plum tree.

When it dries you get some light rain. We have a light silver-gray fungus covering many, many trees.

I have seen it on Beeches, Maples, Black Birch, Conifers many trees that are usually very hardy here. I am in upstate NY, where we are getting sprayed frequently by geo-engineering. To wrap up the coworkers into believers Ishowed them holly leaves and boxwoods that look burnt. Baby pine cones are falling off, the pine is drying and dropping off, and the bark is totally getting destroyed.

Tennessee last week had massive fire. cold. I just counted 10 intelligent responses to 100 crazy responses and the 100insist that 1. there is no global warming and 2. if they do admit it it is not the result of CO2 but is nothing more than God's plan. I know you and those who support you are working hard at educating people about what is going on but there must be something more aggressive one can do. I'm not seeing all my deer, and rabbits, and I have a very small bird population, which my property has been an animal habitat and sanctuary.

The UN's Sustainable Development Platform Plan for the USA advises the State Govt's to take control of the forests and any lands where there are ponds, wetlands, drain basins, shale basins, creeks, etc.

Where we had trimmed the bottoms of the tree's over the years,, is oozing orange/yellow/white stuff. This problem is sick. In the southern boreal forest of northern Minnesota, moose were once plentiful, but their population has plummeted.

When British Columbias lodgepole forests died, the province went from being a carbon sink to a carbon source because the dead forests released massive amounts of stored CO2. If we keep hitting it day in day out with the "truth" it will crumble.

DaneWigington Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West. the 2nd snake we ran across was a bit more deadly. Like the recent Santa Rosa fire disaster, the current wildfires are verifiably connected to, DaneWigington Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. I've notice in the past two weeks specifically numerous trees with no leaves period we've not had a frost in 2 weeks and a freeze in a 3. So have your escape plan ready from where ever you are. I won't give up, I can't give up and neither can you. That destruction cannot be repaired. DaneWigington Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols.

My question: If it was known that a boring insect was introduced here in the US why hasn't there been an onslaught of public information made available to protect the trees while they were alive?

It is a pretty straight forward term referring to a general area of science, though a f*****d up science at best. In response, the, Source: Daily KOS Throughout the High Arctic of Canada, Alaska, and Siberia unprecedented wildfires are raging. Unfortunately,I encounter the I don't care,I don't want to know mindset expressed in the clip I linked from to this storyfar,far to often.

This plan was kicked off in full force 1/01/2016, by State and Local Govt. The black walnuts, pecans, and other nut trees are dying off. it should not have been seeking out cold water.

Boreal forests have a potential to hit a tipping point this century, said Anatoly Shvidenko, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and a co-author of a survey of a recent research on boreal forests in the journal Science.

a former science teacher, here. It is stunning to watch this crime unfold. My awear ness from trips all over CO and parts of WY have proved to me there is more to it than just the beetles! Instead of three feet of fluffy snow all winter, temperatures rise and melt the snow and then get cold and freeze it and compact it into ice, again and again.

I'm an avid hiker. There is a green fungus on many trees and seems to spreadto the Pines and kills them quickly.

We all have Dane to thank for being the patient and understanding teacher for bringing us the truth to all of our questions.

never seen how HUGE they grow.

Add in another thing: we all must spend a considerable amount of our daily energy and awarenessjust trying to survive day to day in the face of unprecedented "environmental" chaos including urban congestion, air pollution (aerosol contamination, too) work-place demands, relationship demands, you knowwhatever is most up front and center in our immediate awareness.

no sampling of the air. a deer that was growling at the person. We all need to Be Informed, Talk about it to everyone and Take Action where ever the opportunity presents it's self. She just sat and continuedlooking at the computer not caring one bit what's going on. A weapon with which entire populations can be brought, DaneWigington Chemically nucleated snow events are wreaking havoc on forests, ecosystems and human infrastructure. 10 375 views 5 years ago Massive Tree's Dying in the Forest by Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering - Mt Lemmon Az.

I also was in Glens Falls, NY, which is up in the Adirondacks,,,, and the tree's are just as bad,,,, I saw several planes flying and spewing out the white trails and then gray crap. Good Grief! Now two decades of testing and research are finally paying off, and the solution could help revive trees around . To call it concerning would be an understatement. The boreal forest is breaking apart, he says.

Source: Politico Irakli Loladze is a mathematician by training, but he was in a biology lab when he encountered the puzzle that would change his life. We are really dealing with some type of evil.

dead or dying. Most believe is this were really happening it would be all over the MEDIA, meanwhile, the Media in the USA is part of BilderbergGroup controlling the UN/NATO, who is controlling everyone else. Your email address will not be published. Shame on the bas*#r&s doing this evil.

In the 1950s and 1960s, decades before the conspiracy theories were born, much of Britain was sprayed with . all over the place trees are coming to spring life sickly looking. pecan trees. How many people have developed cancer directly from toxic chemical through spraying crops andGMO's where toxic DNA is spliced directly into plant thus we eat the toxin directly? the few left alive are putting on seeds and pods everywhere and their leaves look pale green and sickly. there were not very many this year. It is like Chess, or global War the stake is just as high.

It's all bull crap but we unknowingly gave consent in 1998 by public ally not opposing the request for funding and permission and the dumb ass se at never read any of the 400plus pages of documents in " public law105-85 section 1075! See and the article there.

Animals and reptiles not acting as they normally should. The most disgusting thing about this is these trees have been here for hundreds of years. I don't know what can be done to stop the destruction. From what I have read the Chem trails are just toxic, they may have been started with good intentions but are doing more halmthan good.

It is doing a good job of devastating the forests that I have seenthis past month! we nudged it to move out of the trail and it barely moved.

Every one of them.

By JimRobbins Thank you for your research. Hello Dane. They just sit there nomatter how much I baby them, especially the last couple years.

These are crimes against all Life and the $$$$ hungry people don't care except for their own measly evil desires . Though there are countless forms of human activity affecting the equation, the global, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations continue to createwinter weather chaos in parts of the US, Canadaand Europe. Were seeing the same phenomena that weve seen with moose with lynx and snowshoe hares. Trees are succumbing to this onslaught and the human race will follow if our species does not completely alter its current trajectory. Sign up for the E360 Newsletter , The boreal forest extends around the earth at the top of the Northern Hemisphere. Time is running out, Have any states in the United States banned geoengineering or chemtrailspraying in their air space?

Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate, DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? trials and have now correlatedthem with illnessand the way trees are dying off. They are going home and rethinking their life.

Their brains are gone, literally! I am doing this for the trees! Rothschild anyone?

And the observation about full sun near the edges of creeks is verified as well.

The global, DaneWigington When a society has been very successfully polarized by decades of carefully crafted propaganda, beliefs and wishful thinking can (and all too often do). What primary factors are fueling the record wildfires thatare incinerating formerly thriving forests?

I was told it was a boringworm come into our country duringforeign trade.

What did the earwig say as it fell off the global warming cliff? The die-off of much of the boreal forest could have serious and unpredictable repercussions on the global climate system. When I returned two hours later, they were ALL on the ground. Fahrenheit, DaneWigington A must view report from a top scientist covering the climate engineering nanoparticle pollution of our air, water, soils and food supply. But they were in southern North Carolina and North east Georgia mountain towns.and it is my opinion they were looking for somebody.

ancient oaks, black walnuts, hickory,pine trees, cedars. I have also noticed there are less leaves this spring at the tops of the trees as compared to the bottom.

Its disrupts their lives to have to think about anything but FB and snapchat.

I have been noticing that the pines are dying at an alarming rate here in Massachusetts (actually all over NE) and the oaks are looking very sickly as well. Chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. BUT- driving to other areas, and out of state, clearly they are using different "mixtures" in different locations.

This is radiation like we have never seen . Climate chaos, DaneWigington Was hurricane Nicole a random act of nature?

Any suggestions??? Then I observed a circular whole around Detroit and Windsor I was very upset to see this. In otherwords, the whole global geoengineering assault may not be strictly a one-way street, with the U.S. agenda dominating all others. Bernie Sanders wife was the President from 2004-2011, then resigned. We are exploring options for relocating to the Northern region of the Adirondacks. Remember that there is a global awareness campaign on April 25th. However, the full picture of the role decomposing wood plays in the global carbon cycle has been difficult to estimate.A series of new experiments is the first to put a number on this important part of Earth's .

Flames from the "Butte, DaneWigington The US government and the western power structure as a whole is completely out of control. Watch the 3 short videos in this link: I have already bought a "bug out" off the gris place to get out of the city when the rest of the masses figure out what is actually happening. Chris, I live in Wheatland.

I lived in northern Georgia for 35-years, and I also experienced what Linda is describing. In the northeast part, they have dropped from almost 9,000 to 4,300. The Government is limiting our numbers to control us with ease, and this is their way. Once we reach critical mass in regard to awareness, the rest of the wheels will start to turn, wait and see.

Because its a gradual transition, it wont be real boreal and it wont be real deciduous, says Murray.

Have you been watching the air temperature anomalies over the Arctic/North Pole recently?

Tnx. How do we get the sleeping majority to open their eyes and come out of their state of denial. Paper and lumber industries also depend on a healthy boreal. f. Some interesting history and prophetic sayings: Mayan Calendar ended 2012, that may have been the start of the end and/or more likely, the point of no return. We all know other countries employ geoengineering, but to what extent do there exist actual tactical wars between governments utilizing droughts, floods, blizzards etc? We are handing out the 'red pill' to people now.

However that "protective wall of silence" is starting to crack. After watching your video this morning, some of the fungus growths you have shown are identical to the fungus growth seen this week on branches on our normally healthy Japanese tulip tree. In 2003 we were traveling in Alaska in the Copper River basin. The immense scale of climate forcing being carried out by, DaneWigington Global climate engineering operations are not a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years.

Thank you Dane for the path you have taken! Our greenhouse garden would not ripen. Same here in the Sierra Nevada.

Do you still find the area a good option compared to other areas of the USA?

Murrays modeling shows that a large gap is opening in the boreal in Ontario and Quebec, a gap some 500 by 350 kilometers. All official sources are blaming, DaneWigington Record wildfires continue to sweep the globe, incinerating what yet remains of Earths formerly vast thriving forests. I really became alarmed because of the Beech groves they used to be some of the strongest trees in the forests. The attached 10 minute video shows first hand how rapidly our forests are dying, if the trees die, we die.

a fitting end for a species that consumes all natural resources and what it doesn't consume it destroys. Is it just fancy reporting/trickery being used to make us believe plants aren't dying off? Though there are countless forms of contamination from human activities, the climate engineering. Make it a major Alternate Media Event , the planet is literally dying before our eyes !

All leaves are blown away with machines so there is no place to hide for smaller animals any longer. not gobbling. . Real News Tucson

I believe geoengineering is a much more effective term, seeing as the mass-media used it it their recent plug of David Keith saying that the ptheory and proposals of geoengineering could potentially have negative consequences. Even NPR did a seqment. this one didn't. But, I keep telling others.

d. Geoengineering is the greatest assault against life on earth ever launched by the human race. We must alter our course completely if we are to have any chance of salvaging life on Earth. See here for an event near you: Julie Phelps, we are having an assembly and march in Toronto, Kew Gardens Parkat 2pm, here is the event page:, The Windsor Skywatch group is joining us as well and media will be there too.

I will keep my eyes open for other posts from you.

With this in mind, the planetary weather picture gets complicated indeed.

I HAVE EMAILED IT TO MANY. Recently we had a meeting with the Premier of Ontario regarding geoengineering and will be following up about this in the group in due time.

Any comments? Take care and all the best.

Climate zones are moving north ten times faster than forests can migrate.

No fear of retaliation or shame at all.

This means people are waking up.

no quail.

I've called the Town, I've called lawyers,,, I've gone to local media, who is useless,,, andeveryone is backing away from this. trees dying from chemtrails.

Put a pen to paper and post your perspectives on Face Book and elswhere. Mainstream Media Coverage Of Climate Engineering, What Is The Agenda?

. I would rather die from a natural, Mother Nature event than one man made. Most of them have a stake in crude oil and uranium,,, like in Alberta Canada where devastating fires that they could NOT put out, leaving 100,000 homeless. I was listening to a woman who has done a lot of research on geoengineeringand she believes that we are a big military experiment, they are looking into controlling the weather as a "tool" to control other nations. BOB packing and waterpurificationsuggestions in future emails this rant is long enough already.
I describe the cloud patterns that are now commonlyseen and explain how they are not normal at all. Its woven into the fabric of the regions life and culture.

White and black spruce, the main trees species in the boreal, are also dying in vast numbers The southwest Yukon looks dramatically different than it did 25 years ago when I did my masters [degree], he said. More recently, I sent chemtrail photos to the chief meteorologist at the local TV station.

It can turn light sage green or pale mint green, once and a while. I mean, it seems to me that fighting to expose geoengineering by people of the so-called third world is far down the list of priorities if not altogether non-existent. And many changes could simply be unpredictable.

Source: University of Basel.

Methane Plume Seen On Radar Returns Moving NW From Offshore SW Of San Francisco Moving Toward Reno, Nevada, Dead Fish, Dying Planet, And Dangerous Denial, Climate Engineering And The Coming Ice Age Narrative, Catastrophic Pacific Ocean Die-Off, The US Militarys All Out Assault On The Web Of Life, Geoengineered Incineration Is Pushing The Planet Toward Venus Syndrome, False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Pushes WWlll, While Global Geoengineering Omnicide Continues, USA Watchdog News Site Covers Critical Climate Engineering Issue, Environmental Collapse And The Unravelling Of Civilization. The wooded areas will become like match sticks this summer. Until we eradicate the man-made chemical causes of massive tree die-off, we place ourselves in grave peril.

one garden variety snake in the middle of the trail but not sunning itself on a coolday.

I have to travel in that area and I observed many Federal license plated,BLACK, Suburbans and dodge charger government vehicles in these areas as well as personnel in uniforms with no discernable means of identification.
Climate engineers want to start using the terms 'Albedo-enhancement' and 'Cloud reflectivity enhancement' instead of Geoengineering because people are waking up to the meaning of that term. Moose carcasses deteriorate rapidly before they are found, and so forensics has not been able to determine why they are dying.

Its the planets single largest biome and makes up 30 percent of the globes forest cover.

we could not step over it without stepping over the snake. Check for your selves please .

The food producers are going first. the only consolation i have is those who are spraying us are killing themselves and their families as well. But the changes in such a large system are complex. My 100' pines look like they have huge MUMPs. Marches can not happen without the numbers needed to make them effective.

Aluminum nanoparticle, DaneWigington Numerous record cold temperatures continue to occurin various locations of the US.

You lose spruce and you lose everything that lives in spruce and that is basically everything in the boreal forest. Ocean waters are rising because of, Source: Iceberg calving events are among the more epic spectacles on the planet.

Oaks, Hickory, and Walnuts. Though there is no denyingthe corruption and criminality, Greg Hunteris a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past. DaneWigington The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. But the announcement of the aresol spraying came around the same time as the5G rollouts by telecom companies . I encourage you to join the Ontario GeoEngineering Action Group .

Geoengineering Initiatives have been called . Permafrost is thawing and even burning, fires are burning unprecedented acres of forest, and insect outbreaks have gobbled up increasing numbers of trees. I think at some point we only have 8 years before ozone depletion.We all think it is not going to happen here, but it looks like it will so be prepared. I'm starting to loose hope.

I live in Athens, Georgia on 1 1/2 acres. More about Jim Robbins, Never miss a feature! Some experts surmise it could be that tens of thousands of ticks that mob an animal and weaken it. Murray has been researching the boreal forest for 25 years, and he and his colleagues have seen many changes firsthand.

Yes, all can help in this fight and all are needed.

not just cold. Massive cones on many trees!

A lot of us in the climate and ecosystem world are finding ourselves dealing with a similar kind of problem., Jim Robbins is a veteran journalist based in Helena, Montana. Bella Vista, Ca 96008, DaneWigington And now the weather: "cloudy with showers of plastic" and the "perfect pathogen, DaneWigington It's not just industrial pollution and auto exhaust contaminating our atmosphere, a new, DaneWigington While large regionsof Canada and Siberiabake and burn, flash flooding, extreme hail and, DaneWigington Huge hail hammers Texas while regions of Canada incinerate in over 100 unprecedented, DaneWigington "Softball sized hail slams Texas", this NBC news headline from this week is.

I have no doubt whatsoever that there exists a relatively small cadre of psychopathic masterminds behind all of this geoengineering crap who go to the "office" everyday to orchestratetactical strategies in real-time scenarios involving weather systems, politics, international tensions, world markets and so forth. By the time people in general realize what is happening- readers- fill it in. Geoengineeringand Round-Upherbicide is slowing killing us!

This. that is a loss that is not something that can be repaired. The hardwood trees in my yard are dying. Trees are dying and, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the US West, how much longer can Californians last without rain? droopy. If everyone pretends that everything is hunky dori then Mabey it will go away? They will help if enough people call and send mail at no cost only donations if we can. It is in Middle TN around Nashville and in north Georgia as well. We've experienced wildfires never seen before in California, (I know drought) this year. I do notcare!

Go see the trees before they are gone! The climate engineering cabal has relentlessly cut of the flow of moisture into. I don't know.

The local Bavarian farmers wonder what is going on. How long can you hold your breath?

how long we have left ? I pray God intervenes to stop this madness.

Chemical ice nucleation elements are a core component of, DaneWigington Wildfire roulette continues to take a terrible toll in Northern California. Could this inaction by corrupted global governments be intentional? They seem to be hit the hardest.

The same phenomena are seen in Russia, Scandanavia, and Finland.

In Southeast Tennessee right now tree's are in rapid health decline.

I take it personally because its happening all around my place out in the hills, with enormous swaths of sick and dying vegetation having developed in the most obvious way during the past few years. How about a little Soros to go with that? We observed many square miles of completely dead forest on one side of the river.

Soon people will realize this horrific event but,of course,it will be too late.

Even if the spraying stops. Hundreds of First Nations call the boreal home, and they depend on it for sustenance, hunting moose and caribou, picking berries, and fishing. I have made many people aware of the geoengineering but most just don't want to know and ignore!

Endless political theater is, DaneWigington From all over the world the headlines continue to pour in, change is occurring at blinding speed. But, on the other hand perhaps it is the lack of education in teaching individuals how to think for themselves, to ask intelligent questions and demand intelligent and truthful answers.

Extreme weather whiplash, DaneWigington "Softball sized hail slams Texas", this NBC news headline from this week is a glaring red flag warning of climate engineering operations and chemical, DaneWigington Record warmthto snow, back to record warmth and then back to snow again, all in the course of a week. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with, DaneWigington The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. Shame on the ruling elite. As our forests and wildlife disappear, instead, What are we to do as the walls close in on us? Co-incidence?

We are in a fairly healthy region of the state in the Adirondack State Park and also free from most direct chemical spraying, however..????? Climate engineering could be inter-changeable, since it rings with climate change, but either way, AWARENESS is key.

The photos I took are hard to believe. Six years ago, I sent photos to NOAA and received a reply denying the existence of chemtrails. His latest book is the The Wonder of Birds: What they Tell Us about the World, Ourselves and a Better Future. When you remove that organic soil you get deciduous re-growth that lasts for decades, said Goetz.

Make your voice heard.

there were patches of sunlight close by but it wasn't moving towards the warmth. Damaged goods control the planet. My tree's are turning into big match sticks. Thanks Dane for the informative video. Their ranges are receding northward rapidly., The boreal is also home to some 5 billion birds. Stay well.

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