Do you observe increased relevance of Related Questions with our Machine How to get DropDownList SelectedValue in Controller in MVC and store it in a variable. return View(); The ListBox HTML helper renders the HTML . Use SelectList to bind @HtmlDropdownListFor and specify selectedValue parameter in it. The SetViewBagMovieType method creates the IEnumerable from the eMovieCategoriesenum, and sets the Selected property from the selectedMovie parameter. Before Login details for this Free course will be emailed to you. In order to be able to select an item and have the value updated to the database, in the DropDownList add the AutoPostBack property and set it to true. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more . Download. In this article, we will learn first how we can create a static drop-down list and then further we will have an example where we will be using the entities and will generate the drop-down list for the same. In this article, ASP .Net MVC is used. On the third line, we set the layout to Views/Shared/_Simple_Layout.cshtml, which is a simplified version of the standard layout file. Firstly we will need a model that will hold the state and values selected by the user in the registration form. Now let's make it strongly-typed and enum independent: I think the best way is with strongly typed model, because Viewbags are being aboused too much already :). This tutorial assumes you have completed the Intro to ASP.NET MVC tutorial or theASP.NET MVC Music Store tutorial or you are familiar with ASP.NET MVC development. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please make sure you wrapped your @Html.DropDownListFor in a form tag. Lets consider another simple example, We will have one entity named EducationPlatforms. This tutorial will teach you the basics of working with the DropDownList helper and the ListBox helper in an ASP.NET MVC Web application. This will produce a select element that is named UserId, which has the same name as the UserId property in your model and therefore the model binder will set it with the value selected in the htmls select element generated by the Html.DropDownList helper. Examine the following code from the Controllers\HomeController.cs file. The third parameter to this method is the label name which will act as the first member of our dropdown list and finally the fourth parameter is for specifying the HTML properties and attributes like the CSS that needs to be applied for our drop-down list. How to select a country from a dropdownlist? Fermat's principle and a non-physical conclusion. getElementById(<%=ddlMaster1. There are two Action methods with the name Index, one for handling the GET operation while other for handling the POST operation. The following code shows how to reference the Chosen plugin. Simple solution not sure if this has been suggested or not. This also may not work for some things. That being said this is the simple solution bel By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I was having the same issue in asp.NET razor C# I had a ComboBox filled with titles from an EventMessage , and I wanted to show the Content of t Run the application and navigate to the MultiSelectCountry view. Change the select list to Drama and hit the Submit button. options[value. The final code that will be sent to your browser will look somewhat like the following which is similar to HTML code. Open the Views\Home\SelectCategory.cshtml file and examine the markup. Further, we will learn how this drop-down list Note the ComedySelectListItem has the Selected property set to true; this will cause the rendered select list to show Comedy as the selected item in the list. We will collect all the possible options of the drop-down list of roles from the controller. What's happening in your code now, is you're passing the first string argument of "ddlVendor" to Html.DropDownList, and that's telling the MVC framework to create a