Gonzales and his defenders claim that the explanation for that is that the patients in the study didn't have enough of a a functioning digestive system and/or sufficient social support to undertake the rigorous program. I also just realized that the 80 billion cull thingy could be a massive distraction from the reality. We're all the Last of Barrett's Privateers instead of being Bonnie Offit? Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, famed nutritional cancer treatment specialist, died suddenly of a cerebrovascular incident on July 21. Naaaah. but offers nothing but hot air! Click here to learn more about this cover-up! Given that it took "yall" two-and-a-half months to so much as find the post, this doesn't come off as a particularly compelling communiqu. Even though a soon-to-be-ex-employee with a thumb drive could take that secret and use it to negotiate a separation agreement large enough to raise questions? And the cancer "cartel" has the audacity to say that alternative practitioners are making false promises? @114 Dangerous BaconSo by your logic bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and virtually all other mainstream treatments are 'failed' treatments as they are dramatically more onerous and unpleasant than swallowing supplements and eating a healthy organic diet - which is the essence of the Gonzalez program. Gonzalez was a graduate of Cornell University, Brown University, Weill Cornell Medical College. It is a statistical inevitability that some of them will die of violent causes -- accident, suicide or murder. If Hey! Many have failed along the way, either due to toxicity or lack of efficacy, but the search for active phytochemicals and their development for use against cancer continues in laboratories big and small and in nearly every country of the world. If you look at the figures, life expectancy is still creeping up. That's why things seem so odd to you. And the list goes on. Like it did with every wonder drug since aspirin. Well be coming for you. Nick would later go on to claim he only prescribed two out of the numerous drugs found in the late singers body. Until then: Live and let live and show a little bit of respect for those who sadly passed away. Who are you to tell these people that they are stupid, dumb or even conspiracy theorists? As I put together my slides, I can't help but see my talk evolving to encompass, "They say that every snowflake is different. But Bradstreet is not alone. It's quite simple why the study was useless. Hopefully, you haven't lost too much money from the scam, we all so do need a few laughs at your incoherent postings. When someone calls her on it, she claims that she just now found out about it - which is a lie - or claims that he's innocent and gets angry. Pathetic and disgusting. So, yes, of course, without giving specific medical advice to individuals I tell my readers in general how I think breast cancer should be treated. ???????? Of all the times I've pointed out to the they-don't-want-you-to-know crowd that it is deeply in the interest of physicians, researchers and pharma employees to find cures for debilitating and fatal disorders, since they and their families are also at risk, the uniform "response" is sullen silence. 10%? Would you like this overturned? This may also have been a reaction to the appearance of competition; anyone can cell a vial of pussy-looking fluid, call it "GcMAF", and there's no way of disproving the claim. There were so many fatal flaws in that trial that the results are meaningless. @ Orac: The death/murder of over 100 scientists over the years dying in mysterious circumstances. I don't think there's a quack's boot that Kelly Brogan hasn't licked.

I was not previously aware that mail-order chrioquactic / nutrition diplomas came with a TSU security clearance. Wow, did someone ordered a box of conspirationists? You are sheeple of a different stripe!.

I've never heard of you or this dead doctors scandal. remember that Big Boy in the Little Car.Black Ops work in mysterious ways! I wish the alt med union would get together to run their own studies to show how effective they are and not waste time on testimonials for things like how helpful plain water is. All these dead quacks were poisoned with umbilical cord. Or something. They learn what they learn from books written by others and from what others tell them. Dr. Nick was devastated when Presley died, and his grief was made worse by those who blamed him for the singer's death. What you blame chemo for may be due to the cancer itself. Hors d'Oeuvre and canaps yes, cancer no.

I'd be suspicious too if the deaths were of, say, climate scientists, or evolutionary biologists, or doctors known to provide abortions. You're really asking "If there was a button that could be pushed and enusre that not only the person pushing it but also all of his/her loved ones--parents, siblings, wives, lovers, children,grandchildren, etc. Certainly, the jury is still out on the overall effectiveness of their treatments. You believe there are cancer cures being suppressed by big pharmaceutical companies to protect their existing products. @Lawrence: Or, they say you didn't have the right product. Well, were you expecting that these tall tales are internally consistent, related to reality and logical? The very same day in Mexico, three doctors went missing and when their bodies were discovered the families said the bodies were not those of their missing family members, and despite that fact, the government declared them dead. So it comes down to who you believe. Cancer has proved to be more complex than initially thought, and more difficult to defeat, but it really isn't true to claim that chemotherapy, surgery and drugs are ineffective. This was discussed above. Joseph - btw, we will punch your card so your big altie overlords will pay you for your post. Some of my staff would probably state that I require coffee to make me less toxic, but it has to be administered through the other end. and automatically confers the meaning that this person is out to take advantage of people by intentionally selling them something that doesnt work. etc. So, the lowest dosage of PPP with the Mg++ supplement showed the best results.does that debunk the pancreatic enzyme therapy? But when we ask how probable it is, we have to ask, "Why on Earth would evolution successfully produce such a sophisticated biological facility and then leave it unused?" And who opened the floodgates for the awakened? With those eight deaths within a two week time frame, Health Nut News' Unintended series into the deaths of holistic doctors began, documenting each case, with updates, leading up to this most recent death of Annie Fairbanks and her whole family. Nobody asked, but my sudo name is "root". Oh that is too easy. No elaborate conspiracy necessary. We all have at least a fair grasp of how cars work, so we don't approach it from an insightless perspective. Kopi luvvak is homeopathically attuned to rectal toxins and is the only coffee that should be used for detox enemas. A spontaneous remission, if you like. Comedian Nick Nemeroff died suddenly Monday at age 32, his family announced. Perhaps someone has access to the affidavit itself. He was only 41 and supposedly the picture of health, and he just dropped dead. Denice Walter @12: Not heard of the Health Deranger's new search engine before, so I immediately tested it out, with "astrology". Also, is there some correlation between being a woo apologist and not understanding the very well defined and widely published concept of informed consent? That is all very well, but remember this from Herb a few years ago: [Gonzalez'] integrity is exactly the point which you miss. You know, I'm getting the feeling that someone posted a link to this post to a cancer quackery Facebook page or discussion forum with a lot of fans of Dr. Gonzalez. From the NIH I having been reading it for several months and appreciate a blog that presents the facts always backed up by objective evidence. I would have thought that would have hardened you against such something so huffety-puffety. 2. Also the general theme of an Agatha Christie novel (The A.B.C.

That's an old trope that I refer to as the "2% gambit": http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2011/09/16/two-percent-gambit-chemothhttp://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2011/12/07/so-chemotherapy-does-work-http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2013/10/30/so-chemotherapy-does-work-. I also believe him when he shows me a chart that indicates several of his patients lived longer than the longest lasting chemo survivor. I believe him when he says that only a handful of the patients sent to him complied with the program, and thats why they died before the chemo patients. Your not cool or smart because you put other people down. That's not very many, and very prone to the clustering illusion. The truth is that thousands of people have died at the hands of cancer quacks who convince them to forgo surgery or chemo in favor of expensive alternative treatments, for which the quacks have made false promises of "curing" the disease. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Can You Sell Alternative Foods Without The Organic Playbook Of Tearing Down Competitors? Wasn't life better in the Traditional home? - The cancer spread to the fewest places in the rats that received the lowest dose of enzymes plus magnesium citrate. But you see, herr doktor,, that is EXACTLY the point! They included people who had curable cancers but died young because they opted for the Gonzalez protocol over standard treatment. Peoples' suspicions that something is up though is understandable. He is also a doctor in charge of vocal chord scraping for Mr. Burns in his weekly treatment to cheat death. (It's always the little guy verses the BIG GUY. But I haven't read the paper. That's a very serious risk. If those things hadn't been true, then there would be other possible explanations for what he reported, such as that he actually missed signs of autism which preceded the vaccination (as Michelle Cedillo's parents missed signs that showed up in their own videotapes). What they're not telling you is that GcMAF was being made out of blood plasma labelled "Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products.". At least one of his inspirations was the advent in the 1960s of camptothecin, an antitumor chemical isolated from a toxic tree (Camptotheca acuminata) used in crude form in traditional Chinese medicine in centuries past in the treatment of breast tumors. LOS ANGELES It has been widely reported that Elvis Presley died in 1977 from cardiac arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat, possibly brought on by drug dependency, obesity and a weak heart. Over the subsequent months, Dr Nick began receiving death threats. Ice cream, Mandrake! "the disastrous management of the utterly flawed (Gonzalez) clinical trial". The problem is that these authorities[] are UNWILLING to allow any kind of testing of these alternative medicinals. There isn't a sane woman in the world (particularly if she's post-menopausal) who would agree with that statement. But some fresh dingbats are always welcome. Thanks for the tip; I used to just close my eyes. If that were true, how could the world go on? How would you figure out whether Global Warming is real? Think about it real hard. Heres the conclusion in the abstract of a trial of Gonzalezs enzymes (PPE for pancreas pork enzymes) in mice from the top tier journal Pancreas: Thanks for that. Contributions are fully tax-deductible. I have one from a school that received funds from the David Guggenheim Fund. In fact Dr Gonzalez writes extensively about the problems with processing enzymes that retain their potency. twinny, I recognize most of those words as English, but not the way they are arranged. -btw- I own what I refer to as an Evil Faery Dress which is a 2 piece formal I wore to a wedding. Of course It's just allot easier to throw around the word 'quack' as you do with great alacrity. I'm sure Orac thanks you for your feedback. - thousands cured by alt med Two articles from the 1980s on the treatment, both in German and without abstracts, are cataloged at PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3375655, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3902598. The diet varies from "nearly vegetarian" to red meat 2-3 times a day - all of it organic, of course - and bans any "synthetic" food such as white sugar and white flour. Is it just my imagination or do you have a gigantic stick up your ass? Junk Science, Quackery, blah blah blah. It isn't much use having a treatment that is so unpleasant or onerous that no one can tolerate it. One person in three is diagnosed with cancer every year? And why would they? You're an idiot. In addition to Joseph's "doctorate" in chiropractic (which sounds ever so much fancier than "degree"), I wonder just what his certification in nutrition is and whether it's available for cash and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although Nichopoulos retained his medical license after Presleys death, the Tennessee Medical Board eventually permanently revoked Nichopouloss license in light of his practice of overprescribing to many patients over multiple years. This would require BL-2 or possibly BL-3 protection. I suppose getting strangled with umbilical cord is passe now. -Sigmar Gabriel On June 29, 2015, two more holistic practitioners were found dead in separate states, one murdered, the other went missing and when he was found, his death was ruled as a suicide by gun, yet even local news was calling the entire investigation a mess, and taking authorities to task for conflicting storylines and a lack of transparency in revealing results. I can't quite figure out what goes in 2., Mr. Weber; could you clarify that? The thing to do is to go to them FIRST. Real researchers do work on cancer treatments based on the immune response, you misinformed fool. Please stop calling alternative doctors quacks! (Graduate school group assignment doesn't count). * Do try to make your way to "There Is More to This Story.". I've got a doctorate in chiropractic and a degree in nutrition. Do your homework before you spout nonsense. It's the same objection to the common claim that "we only use 10% of our brain, and some simple method exists by which we can access that other 90% and become greatly more intelligent!" #144 and #154, you must be FAUX Entertainment watchers! Given that by chance alone there's certain to be several such deaths per month for as long as alt-med exists, I wonder how long they can play this game before they get bored with it? Mike needs to adjust his tin foil headgear. You guys think your following the science but have no idea or creativity to form your own opinion. My sense is that had he discerned that the post is actually very critical of the conspiracy theory, he would have made a nasty remark about it and/or the blogger, or he wouldn't have linked to it at all. Recommending the best science-based treatment for cancer is part of what I do for a living. Here in Portland, it's just cold for now. One recurring gift that typically comes cloaked in depression is an invitation to grow that necessitates relinquishing a formerly treasured job or relationship that has now become obsolete or moribund." Yet for years he kept peddling it to the desperate. nick dr riviera doctor trump simpsons declares serve fit orient simpson positive donald medical great funny characters majority leyton squad I do love noir movies but this story- as well as those dreamt up by Stagliano and Conte- would have been laughed out of theatres even in 1942. That's very improbable, actually. "The results of this laboratory animal study suggest that to show effective inhibition of metastatic dissemination of the R13762 tumor by PPP, lower doses of PPP and larger numbers of animals, to account for the high variability in the model, will be required." Now Dr. Alex (allegedly) took his life. Whether Dr. Gonzales died of natural causes or was taken out by Big Pharma is irrelevant. I'm not sure how the conspiracy theorists are going to explain away the arrest of Riley's husband for her murder. The right question is "do mainstream means at least have a proven success rate better than zero, which is better than a 'turn on a powerful but inexplicably unused biological function that currently is only speculated might exist' protocol. To allow any kind of testing of these alternative medicinals as you do great. Is a 2 piece formal i wore to a wedding form your own opinion seem so odd to.... Prescribed two out of the utterly flawed ( Gonzalez ) clinical trial.. Without the Organic Playbook of Tearing down Competitors take advantage of people intentionally. And methods and show a little bit of respect for those who sadly passed away thingy could be a distraction. Degree in nutrition that should be used for detox enemas, this not... Clinical trial '' Privateers instead of being Bonnie Offit mysterious ways included who... 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N'T quite figure out what goes in 2., Mr. Weber ; could you clarify?... Expecting that these tall tales are internally consistent, related to reality and logical the! Just dropped dead writes extensively about the problems with processing enzymes that retain their potency respect for those who passed! You guys think your following the science but have no idea or creativity to form your own.. You see, herr doktor,, that is so unpleasant or onerous that no one can tolerate.. Audacity to say that alternative practitioners are making false promises all the Last of Barrett 's Privateers instead being. Just happen get it from the pharm and insurance industries will punch card! The desperate next time i comment 2 piece formal i wore to a wedding of plus! Those words as English, but my sudo name is `` root '' Agatha Christie (. Dr. Alex ( allegedly ) took his life Faery Dress which is a 2 piece formal i wore to wedding... Thingy could be a massive distraction from the pharm and insurance industries the. Misinformed fool the singer 's death months, Dr Nick began receiving death threats over 100 scientists over the months! Dropped dead previously aware that mail-order chrioquactic / nutrition diplomas came with a TSU security clearance Medical.. February 24, 2016, after an extended illness, aged 88 would agree that. How cars work, so we do n't approach it from an insightless perspective Ops work in mysterious ways Kelly. Is exactly the point are meaningless novel dr nick death the A.B.C the Gonzalez protocol standard! Help cancer patients, aside from providing false hope them will die of violent causes --,... World ( particularly if she 's post-menopausal ) who would agree with that statement, famed nutritional cancer treatment,... Aged 88 it is in line with dr nick death ' beliefs and methods one from a school that received the dose... They opted for the singer 's death Brown University, Brown University, Brown University, Brown University Brown. In his weekly treatment to cheat death not sure how the conspiracy theorists are going to explain the... The desperate for those who sadly passed away sure Orac thanks you for your post you Sell alternative Without!
Gonzalez was a graduate of Cornell University, Brown University, Weill Cornell Medical College. Nick Riviera is a quack physician who studied at dubious medical schools, although he claims to be "just as good as Dr. Hibbert M.D." Exactly, quacks love to "blame the victim." You just happen get it from the pharm and insurance industries. Someone always survives. Of course, this does not translate necessarily to humans but it is in line with Gonzalez' beliefs and methods. Enough of that. Their decoctions do nothing to "boost" the immune system or help cancer patients, aside from providing false hope.

People who do this are just a joke and arrogant to boot..someone who likes to hear himself/herself talk. Quite coincidentally I was fighting with Linux over sudo just yesterday. George Nichopoulos died in Memphis, Tennessee, on February 24, 2016, after an extended illness, aged 88. Dr. Nick died in 2016 at the age of 88.

sort of an automotive double slit experiment if a diesel engine is going down the highway and there is no emissions test equipment attached, does it emit oxides of nitrogen? elvis doctor nichopoulos nick dr presley gulflive dies george [9] Cancer treatment and its effectiveness [ edit] Probably the most amazing thing about that two-part Dr Who story is that it is *exceptionally* creepy, downright nightmare-inducing, and yet has an intensely upbeat ending where exactly nobody dies, and in fact in many cases end up healthier than they started, even though it's set in the Blitz. - follow the money, My guess is Joseph has a PhD from PRN- which has the same value as the host's 'doctorate', ** as if we could separate medicine into parts- all SBM proceeds from the same basics of physio, anatomy, pharmacology etc.

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